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The Birds of Prey Podcast

Dec 30, 2019

Oh boy.  The Game is On, indeed.  The Calculator can not rest till he discovers who this Oracle character is...and when he does rest, he dreams of capturing the Oracle.  

Helena Bertinelli is going deep undercover, setting up best laid plans by making herself a Capo, which can have her take down organized crime from...

Oct 27, 2019

Gail Simone pieces together what seems like 3 vignettes, but the separate narratives are actually part of the same story, following our favorite heroes in comics, Oracle, Black Canary, The Huntress, and Zinda, Lady Black Hawk.  Moving to a new city, settling scores, and introducing themselves are much harder than what...

Oct 13, 2019

The long story arc of Barbara Gordon being infected by the Braniac "virus" has come to its conclusion, thankfully.  And a showdown in Gotham.  Yep, Black Canary has called in Wild Cat, Savant, Creote, Connor Hawke, Richard Dragon, and...The HUNTRESS!  Will they be able to defeat the famed martial arts Bros. and stop a...

Sep 29, 2019

Helena has left the Birds of Prey to be her own point person, only to discover that the Oracle had been working the angle the whole time.  And Barbara Gordon is also trying to make things right by smoothing things out with Helena before dealing with a major life choice regarding her health.  Oh, Dinah has to recruit a...

Sep 10, 2019

Oracle is going haywire, Black Canary and Ted are on the run, and the Huntress's plot is like a Martin Scorcese movie...what's not to like about this OMAC tie-in?