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The Birds of Prey Podcast

Aug 14, 2021

Feathers and Foes, a Birds of Prey podcast, is moving to and the Batgirl/Huntress Podcast Feed in your pod catchers.  See you there!

Jul 31, 2021


Feathers and Foes concluded our discussion about the 3 part story of Oracle vs. Calculator, Oracle as a solo character, and the future of Feathers and Foes for the rest of 2021.  

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Jul 18, 2021

Barbara Gordon is back in Gotham!  But with Gotham at war, the Calculator on the loose, and the threat of the Anti-Life Equation, Barbara is at her wits' end trying to find The Cure! 

Episode 164: Oracle - The Cure

Jul 18, 2021

Barbara Gordon is back in Gotham!  But with Gotham at war, the Calculator on the loose, and the threat of the Anti-Life Equation, Barbara is at her wits' end trying to find The Cure! 

Jul 4, 2021

Mark, Laurel and Ashford discuss the last issue of volume 1 Birds of Prey.  Is this the End?  Not by a long shot.  25 years ago, Birds of Prey was introduced to the world.  May Feathers and Foes be good custodians to the property.

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